Students in the UK

10 Essay Tips for International Students in the UK


Everyone knows how difficult it is to apply to institutions abroad, especially those in the UK. There are several different parts to the application process, all of which must be mastered in order to be accepted to your college of choice. One element, the college essay, stands out among the others, including school grades, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, essays or the letter of intent (SOP) and letters of recommendation (LOR). Just so you can show off your individuality with this one element, it is also the one that will likely take more time and effort to master than the others.They can take the Essay Help of the professional writers.

While an excellent essay can help even average students get into their preferred school, a mediocre or poorly written essay can cause an intelligent student to be rejected from a college. There is no set formula or “right” way to write an essay. However, there are a number of factors involved in writing effective essays or statements of purpose that will advantageously raise your profile and strengthen your application.

Here are ten ideas to help you write a persuasive essay: 

1.Reflect and brainstorm

The beginning of the essay is the most difficult part for most students. It would be helpful to think about different topics ahead of time, such as stories or situations from your own life that you would like to use as examples. For example, think about what personal qualities and strengths you would like to highlight. Be imaginative and let your thoughts run wild. Before you start writing the essay, you should create an outline.

2. Have patience

A good essay is not created in a single day. Once you have chosen your topic, draft an outline and a framework for your essay. Your first draft might be flawed, and that’s okay. Before you can make your essays excellent, you need to revise them several times. To make your essays appear flawless, you need to be persistent and invest a lot of time and effort.

3. Describe yourself

In essays, you can show the admissions committee how your special personality traits can benefit the college. Therefore, the emphasis in your essays must be on YOUR history – your ideas, successes, failures, and goals. Use the few words you have available to express how fantastic the college you are applying to is, rather than the entire word count. Instead, emphasize your skills, maturity, and other qualities in your essay.

4. Be honest

Do not write what you think admissions officers want to read. They are very often wrong. Please stick to the facts. Honesty is essential in admissions essays. Exaggeration may make your stories more exciting, but remember that admissions officers have read countless essays over years of experience. They can spot dishonesty and the use of outside writers and editors in essays.

5. Keep your attention close and focused

When writing an essay, stay away from the “list structure” Try to cover only a few topics in one sentence. Instead, limit yourself to a few parts of yourself and allow the reader to grasp and follow your key message from beginning to end.

6. Avoid repeating facts

Since essays contain a limited number of words, avoid repeating information that is already included in other aspects of your application, such as your test scores or extracurricular activities. Use the essays to discuss aspects of your profile that the admissions committee will not learn by reading the rest of your application.

7. Demonstration is vital

Simply stating the obvious rarely conveys a concept. You must cite specific examples, reasons, and specifics to prove a point. For example, it is not enough to say, “I am passionate about community involvement” Instead, describe a situation in which you helped a person in need. Talk about who you helped, how it impacted the neighbourhood, and how the experience affected you.

8. Tone of voice is important

It is important to maintain harmony in your writing. Make sure you do not come across as overly cocky or arrogant when talking about your accomplishments and strengths. If you are talking about a failure, such as a poor exam grade, your tone should indicate that you accept responsibility but have also learned from the experience. You should avoid appearing weak or giving the impression that you are trying to make a statement.

9. Avoid undermining grammar and structure

Essays show your individuality and writing skills. A good essay usually consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. A logical structure makes it easy for the reader to follow what you are trying to say. Avoid foul language, grammatical errors, or incorrect punctuation. This shows a careless attitude and a lack of attention to detail in your written work. If you prefer a language other than English, get help and critique to raise the level of your essay. Keep your writing simple, omit redundant or fancy terms, and forgo business-like jargon in favour of formal, clear English. Essays that are too loose also do not convey the right message.

10. Seek feedback

Ask them to find out if the essay reflects your personality and sounds like you. After all, they are the ones who know and understand you best, so pay attention to what they have to say. Remember, however, that the essay should ultimately seem personal to you. Do not feel pressured to write something you are unsure about. Be sure that what you write is true.

Although it takes effort to write a good essay, the process can also be fun. To write a flawless essay, you can get help from the experts at LiveWebTutors Online Assignment Help UK. Your essays will have a big impact on your college application, so do not skip them or wait until the last minute. Plan early and put in a lot of effort to get accepted to the college of your choice. The second-best thing you can do is get help writing your College Application Essay Help.

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