Study Abroad

How to Study Abroad: The Ultimate Guide for International Students in 2022


Why study abroad?

We believe everyone should study abroad! If you still need convincing why you should study abroad , consider this:

  1. You will become more independent. Whether you are traveling outside the country for the first time, or even living alone for the first time, studying abroad pushes you to become independent and self-sufficient. There are of course challenges that come with this, but it’s incredibly rewarding. Students often say that studying abroad has been a period of enormous personal growth for them.
  1. You will discover another culture. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling across ten time zones or just the neighboring country. Our society is more global than ever, and these experiences will expose you to different types of people that will make you a better employee, student, and person in general.
  1. You will stand out to future employers. You will gain valuable skills while studying abroad and employers will take notice. You will be a stronger communicator, have better interpersonal skills, and gain street smarts that will help you think critically, whatever your profession.
  1. You will broaden your education. Suppose you are an archeology student – studying in a country where you can actually go on site to ancient ruins will be extremely valuable. Whatever field you find yourself in, studying abroad will simply expose you to new avenues to pursue your passions, or even explore new ones.
  1. You will learn more about yourself. When you withdraw from an environment in which you feel comfortable, you should expect significant personal growth. It’s not always easy to leave your hometown and move to a whole new environment – ​​even if it’s only for a few months! But getting out of your comfort zone can be really invigorating. Even in the most stressful times of homesickness, language barriers, and foreign exchange management, you’ll learn to seize the moment and find out what you’re really made of.
  1. You will learn valuable travel skills. Traveling well is indeed a skill, and it is a skill that all citizens of the world should have. Not only will you learn the social norms of a new place, but even understanding things like public transportation will provide you with valuable life skills.
  1. You will expand your network. If studying abroad for personal growth and the opportunity to expand your education isn’t enough, do it for the friendships. It can be scary to make new friends, but it’s so rewarding. You may realize that you have so much in common with someone who lives in another country. Whether or not you bond with someone else from your country who is traveling with you, or befriend a local, expanding your network is great for your social life, career and your own growth. And with friends abroad, you’ll always have an excuse to go back!
  1. You will immerse yourself in a new language. Learning a new language can be an exciting experience, especially if it’s been years since you learned one in school. Even if you’re just learning the basics, you’re still exercising part of your brain. And going to a country where they speak the same language as you is always a fascinating experience – you’ll learn new slangs and speech patterns, and see your own language through totally different eyes.
  1. You will leave for new adventures. You don’t even have to hike in the mountains to go on an adventure abroad – trying a new food can be adventure enough. But you’re still exposing yourself to new things that you couldn’t expose yourself to at home. And while you can (and definitely should!) snap photos for Instagram and your friends back home, you’ll likely be so engrossed in these new experiences that you’ll put down your phone and enjoy.
  1. You will take all these new skills home with you. Coming home after a semester (or years) abroad can stir up all kinds of emotions. Reverse culture shock is real! But these emotions mean that you have changed and you have probably brought a lot of skills back with you. You might even realize how much you missed your home country and gain a new appreciation for it.

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