How To Talk So Kids Can Learn by Adele Faber

7 Books That Will Help Teachers Prepare For Winter Semester


To say that there are thousands of professional development books and resources available for educators would be an understatement. But there are only a few that have stood the test of time and continue to provide relevant and timeless advice for these special professionals. Here are a few tried and true education books for teachers to help you get through the winter semester.

The First Days of School: How To Be An Effective Teacher by Harry Wong

Many consider this to be the best guide to classroom management ever written. Although it was published in 1991, many of the methods and approaches presented in this classic work well in today’s classrooms to help establish a classroom management plan.

How To Talk So Kids Can Learn by Adele Faber

Another classic, this book focuses more on communication in the classroom. Children and teens are unique creatures and they must be spoken to with kindness and respect if you are ever to reach deep enough to teach them anything. Communication will literally set the foundation for your entire relationship with your class and can greatly impact the amount of learning that take place.

All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things by Robert Fulghum

Not just for teachers, but this leadership guide is beneficial to  professionals in any field. In this classic self-help and self enhancement book, Fulghum simplifies some of life’s basic principals in a way that any one can understand. When broken down like this, it is easy to see that we really do have all that we need to succeed in our professional field and in life.

Teaching With Love and Logic: Taking Control of The Classroom by Jim Fay and David Funk

If you are looking for practical no-nonsense methods for classroom management, this is the book for you. Take control of your class so that relationship can form and learning can happen.

Dimensions of Learning by Robert Marzano

Ready to break down the learning process? This book helps you do just that. Marzano examines the five dimensions of thinking that are needed for the learning process to happen. Help children unlock their true potential by setting them up for real learning experiences.

Discipline With Dignity: How to Build Responsibility, Relationships, and Respect in Your Classroom by Richard Curwin

Learning does not happen without discipline, organization and respect. This book will help you unlock ways to establish these principles in your classroom.

You Can’t Say You Can’t Play by Vivian Paley

Teaching inclusion is a vital aspect of creating a classroom that is welcoming and safe. This book will help you learn techniques and methods that you can pass on to children who need help learning about inclusion.

Many classroom management issues can be resolved before they start when students have a strong sense of inclusion, empathy, and team work.

The winter semester can be a great time to liven up the classroom with fun activities, new books, and games. During a time when students and teachers alike are ready for winter break, keeping students engaged can be an uphill battle. But by focusing on your own professional development, you can show up in the classroom with a fresh new perspective during this time.

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